Psychedelic Information Theory

Shamanism in the Age of Reason

Search Results : frames

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Informal Discussion of Topics

... fully animated frame rate of about 8-16 stacked frames per second, like an attractor pulling you towards a "peaking" state. If the dose of psychedelic is too small or you metabolize it too quickly, you only get a slightly speedy or jittery sensatio...

Conclusions and Discussion

... three times, moving from aliasing 2 simultaneous frames to 4, and then to 8, and then finally to 16 frames of overlapping information compressed into a single frame, this assumes that linear consciousness only uses a tiny fraction of the brain’s t...

5-HT2A Agonism and Multisensory Binding

... a functional refresh rate of roughly 15 to 30 frames-per-second (FPS), which means these neurons must process and neutralize incoming sensory spike trains at roughly every 30-60 milliseconds.16 Loss of precise synchrony and coupling in these circ...

Crude cognitive schematic of waking consciousness

... you a working visual frame-rate of about 60 frames per second. Anything that registers at this speed or less is considered to be "subliminal" and does not trickle up to the Executive brain or Working Memory. Subliminal images and sounds can, ho...

Hypnotic Entrainment and Induced Trance States

... be cycling information at a rate of thirty-eight frames-per-second (FPS). Below beta is the alpha state in the 7-12 Hz range, which is associated with detached critical analysis and more relaxed physical intuition. Even more relaxed than alpha is ...

What is Nonlinear Hallucination?

... frame, and then itself and the two previous frames, and then itself and the four previous frames, and then itself and the eight previous frames, and so on until frame complexity quickly recedes into infinity. This is the mathematical definition...

Limits of Human Perception

... can render changes in reality at roughly 13-15 frames per second (fps, or Hz), which means that our perception of reality fully refreshes itself roughly once every 77 milliseconds (ms). Human frame perception is exploited by animation and film, wh...

Wagon-wheel effect

... wheel is rendered with standard movie speed: 24 frames per second. With the “thumbs” of the two vertical sliders you can set the speed, the right slider is for coarse adjustment. When you begin to adjust the speed yourself, “auto...

Notes on Frame Stacking

The Frame Stacking Model of Hallucinogenic Action was proposed by a Canadian researcher who wishes to remain anonymous. The model is based on first-hand experimentation with LSD and Salvia divinorum, and is presented here as a brief edit of a much lo...

Erratic Hallucination

... report sensory frame lag and slow-motion frames; frame delay or echo; frame flange or recursive looping; frame stacking or frame freezing; frame rewind and fast forward; dropped frames; split or bifurcating frames; frame skipping; and simila...

An Overview of Physical Shamanism

... of information to the subject in between normal frames. In physical terms, spirit information erupts into consciousness along the attack and decay of each psychedelic interrupt, then attenuates salient recognition and imprints itself into memory ac...

The Phase of Ongoing EEG Oscillations Predicts Visual Perception

Oscillations are ubiquitous in electrical recordings of brain activity. While the amplitude of ongoing oscillatory activity is known to correlate with various aspects of perception, the influence of oscillatory phase on perception remains unknown. In...

Modes of Psychedelic Use

... the ingestion context. Since ingestion context frames the totality of psychedelic experience and outcome, we must first examine the typical contexts and settings in which people choose to ingest psychedelics in order to evaluate the quality of inf...

Timewarp: How your brain creates the fourth dimension

... or a series of discrete snapshots like frames on a film strip. Understand this, and maybe we can explain how the healthy brain works out the chronological order of the myriad events bombarding our senses, and how this can become warped to ...

The Control Interrupt Model of Psychedelic Action

... consciousness in such a way that all perceptual frames arise and fall with a predictable “wah-wah-wah” time signature. The throbbing “wah-wha-wah” of the N20 experience is a stable standing wave formation that begins when the molecule hits ...

Showing 1 to 15 of 15