Psychedelic Information Theory

Shamanism in the Age of Reason

Search Results : schizophrenia

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How the Brain Filters out Distracting Thoughts to Focus on a Single Bit of Information

... a switch malfunction explain schizophrenia? People who are schizophrenic have problems keeping these brain signals straight. They cannot tell, for example, if they are listening to voices from people who are present or if the ...

Presynaptic regulation of recurrent excitation by D1 receptors in prefrontal circuits

... and psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia. Prefrontal neurons are distinguished by their capacity for sustained activity during the time a stimulus is held in memory, and this mnemonic response is considered a substrate for a va...

Timewarp: How your brain creates the fourth dimension

... explain the delusions suffered by people with schizophrenia. But first, the basics. Perhaps the most fundamental question neuroscientists are investigating is whether our perception of the world is continuous or a series of discrete snapshots ...

The Control Interrupt Model of Psychedelic Action

... caused by psychosis, deprivation, fever, or schizophrenia, may also have unique and quantifiable control interrupt envelopes related to erratic multisensory frame modulation. Control Interrupt and Shamanism If consciousness must have a top-do...

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