Biophilic fractals and the visual journey of organic screen-savers
Taylor RP, Sprott JC.; Nonlinear Dynamics Psychol Life Sci. 2008 Jan;12(1):117-29.
Figure 1 : 'Electric Sheep' fractals selected for an aesthetic voting experiment. Images were ranked for intrinsic beauty.
Computers have led to the remarkable popularity of mathematically-generated fractal patterns. Fractals have also assumed a rapidly expanding role as an art form. Due to their growing impact on cultures around the world and their prevalence in nature, fractals constitute a central feature of our daily visual experiences throughout our lives. This intimate association raises a crucial question - does exposure to fractals have a positive impact on our mental and physical condition? This question raises the opportunity for readers of this journal to have some visual fun. Each year a different nonlinear inspired artist is featured on the front cover of the journal. This year, Scott Draves's fractal art works continues this tradition. In May 2007, we selected twenty of Draves's artworks and invited readers to vote for their favorites from this selection. The most popular images will feature on the front covers this year. In this article, we discuss fractal aesthetics and Draves's remarkable images.
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Keywords: fractals, geometric hallucinations
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