Psychedelic Information Theory

Shamanism in the Age of Reason

Search Results : consciousness

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Notes on The Limits of Expanded Consciousness

... exploration; and the ultimate endpoint of human consciousness. If the psychedelic Godhead is a transcendent state of infinite universal all-consciousness, it is doubtful that anything more complex or expansive can ever be experienced by the human m...

Limits of Human Perception

... emergence of perceptual information within human consciousness. Human perception is limited by the capacity of sense organs (Fig. 1); the speed and architecture of the neural network; and the number of distinct perceptions the brain can analyze at a...

Why are Psychedelics Spiritual?

... of a great loving intelligence or universal consciousness that penetrates everything can be spiritually overpowering. Can interconnectedness be harmful? Unity, compassion, and empathy are widely regarded as positive traits, even saintly traits....

Anticholinergic drug-induced sleep-like EEG pattern in man

... correlated clinically with fluctuations of consciousness and subdelirious behavior. The clinical and EEG characteristics of the drowsiness-like stage after anticholinergics were different from those seen during spontaneous drowsiness. After...

Into The Void

Exploring consciousness, Hyperspace and Beyond Using Brain Technology, Psychedelics and Altered-Mind States. Annotation: This book is unique in its detailed descriptions of using anitcholinergics and antihistamines in conjunction with REM suppres...

LSD Psychotherapy

... and challenging data about the nature of human consciousness, perception, and reality itself. Drawing on this work Dr. Stanislav Grof outlines a new cartography of the human mind, one which accounts for experiences such as shamanic trance, near-de...

Sleep and General Anesthesia as Altered States of Consciousness

Stages of Sleep EEG recordings show that we go through five stages of sleep each with its characteristic brain-wave activity. Stage 1 is the transition stage from wakefulness to sleep and is identified with theta waves and last between 1 to 7 minu...

Brain function in physiologically, pharmacologically, and pathologically altered states of consciousness

... States Three main types of altered states of consciousness can be defined: physiologically, pharmacologically, and pathologically altered conscious states. Normal sleep, encompassing light (stage II) and deep (stage III and IV) slow wave slee...

Eidetic Hallucination

... cholinergic activity to rise to the fore of consciousness. Remaining motionless, closing the eyes, or sitting in a quiet darkened environment will stimulate the onset of eidetic hallucinations on psychedelics;12 this is presumably because darke...

Erratic Hallucination

... frame information at roughly the beta range of consciousness, around 12-30hz, which is why animation, film, TV, and computer screens all appear seamless in the 24-60hz range. Psychedelics destabilize smooth frame processing by interrupting pathway...

An Overview of Physical Shamanism

... head as the psychedelic begins to interrupt consciousness. In many ways these sacred songs, or icaros, are attempts to recreate the voice and tone of the subjective pharmacological interaction at various stages of the psychedelic experience. Th...

Notes on Psychedelic ADSR Envelopes and Purity

... this means the interrupt induces transitions in consciousness that are abrupt and unpleasant; this also implies the LSD is adulterated or has not been sufficiently purified in the synthesis process. Purity aside, it is widely accepted that if one b...

Notes on Psychedelic ADSR Envelopes and Purity

... this means the interrupt induces transitions in consciousness that are abrupt and unpleasant; this also implies the LSD is adulterated or has not been sufficiently purified in the synthesis process. Purity aside, it is widely accepted that if one b...

Entoptic Hallucination

... which is the general frequency range of human consciousness. According to the Control Interrupt Model of psychedelic action, any drug which produces a multisensory interrupt within the frequency band of waking consciousness will also necessarily ...

Effects of a Psychedelic, Tropical Tea, Ayahuasca, on the Electroencephalographic (EEG) Activity of the Human Brain during a Shamanistic Ritual

... drinking ayahuasca reflect an altered state of consciousness. In this state the subjects reported increased awareness of their subconscious processes. This is an altered state comparable to, however more profound than, the meditative state. Our re...

Altered States: The Origin of Art in Entoptic Phenomena

... to those produced by people in altered states of consciousness today. 'Entoptic' is derived from the Greek for 'within vision', that is, anywhere within the optic system between and including the eye itself and the cortex where signals from the opti...

The Signs of All Times: Entoptic Phenomena in Upper Palaeolithic Art

... to those produced by people in altered states of consciousness today. 'Entoptic' is derived from the Greek for 'within vision', that is, anywhere within the optic system between and including the eye itself and the cortex where signals from the opti...

How Hallucinogens Play Their Mind-Bending Games

... "We know that LSD profoundly affects human consciousness and awareness & so this tells us that the receptor on those neurons is an important locus for modulating consciousness," he explains. "If you muck up the actions of those neurons, it wou...

Psychedelic Pharmacology

... lead to expanded states of psychedelic consciousness. Molecular Shape and Receptor Affinity [fig]3;1[/fig]The strength and duration of the bond a ligand forms with a receptor is referred to as receptor affinity or potency, and is descri...

Notes on ADSR envelopes

... texture of each hallucinogen as it influences consciousness. Arguably a more precise model could be employed, but using ADSR neatly compresses a longer discussion on how to precisely model intensity and onset of subjective hallucinogenic effect. ...

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