Search Results : entrainment
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... you are talking about synchrony and entrainment between resonant oscillators. That is not metaphysics, it is harmonic theory and physics. Can you describe a resonant oscillator? How does harmonic resonance apply to the brain? An oscil...
Reviews for Psychedelic Information Theory
... like neural oscillators, periodic drivers, wave entrainment, resonance and coherence. Of particular interest are his characterizations of psychedelic agents as nonlinear feedback amplifiers, and descriptions of shamanic technique as periodic driver...
... via the fundamentals of wave resonance, entrainment, and coherence. The third component is an overview of Nonlinear Hallucination, a formal analysis of the dynamics of entoptic, eidetic, and erratic hallucinations experienced under the infl...
... in cellular signaling systems. Through entrainment and mutual feedback nonlinear states of cellular signaling can transcend individuals to promote pack mind, group mind, peer bonding, mate bonding, and intuitive nonverbal organization of t...
Multistability in a driven nonlinear system controlled by weak subharmonic perturbations
It is shown that weak resonant perturbations at sub-harmonic frequencies can induce and control multi-stability in a wide class of nonlinear systems, which display the period doubling route into chaos or possess isolated subharmonic branches. The num...
Group Mind and Fluid Tribal Dynamics
... and unitary cohesion. Group Trance and entrainment Technology A practicing shaman must be a master of at least one ritual entrainment technology, and must be a master of putting himself and others into a targeted trance state; this is the...
... creating a situation where the brain is ripe for entrainment and imprinting. A romantic version of group mind leading to psychic bonding might happen spontaneously on date when two potential mates sit and talk quietly for long periods of time, sha...
Hypnotic Entrainment and Induced Trance States
The fundamentals of hypnotic entrainment and induced trance states begin with the concepts of wave resonance and entrainment. Resonance is the quality of any oscillating system (waves in a neural network) to reach maximum amplitude (power) when stimu...
Physical Shamanism and Shamanic Therapy
... for granted. Physical Shamanism and Metabolic entrainment Physical shamanism employs wave-based entrainment techniques to coax spontaneous nonlinear organization of metabolic pathways and cellular signaling systems. Typical shamanic wave entrain...
An Overview of Physical Shamanism
... models of neural oscillators and resonant wave entrainment as opposed to spirit models of supernatural medium channeling, telepathy, or clairvoyance. The Control Interrupt Model of Psychedelic Action presents a description of physical shamanism ba...
entrainment is the process whereby two interacting oscillating systems, which have different periods when they function independently, assume the same period. The two oscillators may fall into synchrony, but other phase relationships are also possibl...
Trajectory selection in multistable systems using periodic drivings
It is common for a periodically driven nonlinear system to have coexistent attractors. Specifically, we are interested in the case where one of these attractors is a limit cycle whose period is an integer multiple of that of the driving. Suppose tha...
The Control Interrupt Model of Psychedelic Action
... process can be described in terms of oscillator entrainment and resonance; when the modulatory driver maintaining global oscillator coherence is interrupted, uncoupled oscillators will naturally fall into synchrony with most energetic periodic driv...
Showing 1 to 13 of 13