Psychedelic Information Theory

Shamanism in the Age of Reason

Search Results : hallucination

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Informal Discussion of Topics

... of various psychedelic phenomena like complex hallucination, shamanism, and group mind.  How does PIT describe psychedelic action? One way to visualize what I'm describing in PIT is through what I call the "Pond and the Pump House" metaphor. ...

Psychedelic Information Theory: Home Page

... is an analysis of the physical mechanisms of hallucination, shamanic ritual, and expanded states of consciousness. By deconstructing systems of perception and memory, Psychedelic Information Theory quantifies the limits of expanded consciousness...

Reviews for Psychedelic Information Theory

... carefully deconstructing the types of hallucination and the mechanisms which trigger them, James L. Kent has proven himself to be the "Mythbuster" of the New Psychedelic Age. His book, Psychedelic Information Theory is the everyman's guid...

PIT Summary and Overview

... analysis of the physical mechanisms underlying hallucination, shamanic ritual, and expanded states of consciousness. Written by James L. Kent, this text was researched for over 20 years and includes over 200 references to the latest research in th...

Conclusions and Discussion

... can bifurcate, become nonlinear, and generate hallucination; that the destabilizing interrupt of any hallucinogen can be felt subjectively as a periodic pulsation or interference pattern in the range of human sensory temporal aliasing; that senso...

5-HT2A Agonism and Multisensory Binding

... receptor subtype, and all produce similar visual hallucinations that are immediately recognizable as psychedelic.1 Although the 5-HT2A receptor subtype is not the only receptor implicated in hallucinogenesis,2 it is one of the most studied hallucino...

Notes on MAOi and hallucination

... the addition of an MAOi increases potency and hallucination by an order of magnitude. MAOi potentiation can come from plant sources, such as the harmala alkaloids found in Peganum harmala seeds and Bandisteriopsis caapi vine, but is particularly ...

About Psychedelic Information Theory

... taking a more cognitive approach to examining hallucination.4 When I realized that cognitive case for complex hallucination had never been sufficiently compiled, I collected some notes and previous writings and began to assemble the PIT Alpha ver...

Spirits and Spiritual Communion

... psychosis, schizophrenia, stress, fever, and hallucination; because of this it is easy to assume that hearing the voice of God is a symptom of insanity. According to PIT, when the brain destabilizes due to hallucinogenic interrupt it will natura...

Physical Shamanism and Shamanic Therapy

... Information Theory (PIT). According to PIT, hallucination is the spontaneous production of nonlinear information via destabilization of multisensory perception.1 Similarly, shamanic therapy is the production of spontaneous cellular organization...

What is Nonlinear Hallucination?

... to describe the perceptual effects of hallucination, but the term nonlinear has a variety of definitions which are sometimes confusing or unclear. To clarify the nonlinearity of psychedelic hallucination the following is a description of ...

Notes on Spectral Hallucination

... are taken from subjective reports of psychedelic hallucination. Casual tests to predict the accuracy and frequency range of extra-spectral claims have been inconclusive. ...

Limits of Human Perception

Any discussion of psychedelic hallucination is a discussion of the spontaneous emergence of perceptual information within human consciousness. Human perception is limited by the capacity of sense organs (Fig. 1); the speed and architecture of the neu...

Uncoiling the spiral: Maths and hallucinations

Think drug-induced hallucinations, and the whirly, spirally, tunnel-vision-like patterns of psychedelic imagery immediately spring to mind. But it's not just hallucinogenic drugs like LSD, cannabis or mescaline that conjure up these geometric structu...

Vivid dreams, hallucinations, psychosis and REM sleep in Guillain-Barré syndrome

... (30%, including an illusory body tilt), hallucinations (60%, mainly visual) and delusions (70%, mostly paranoid). They appeared a median 9 days after disease onset (range 1-40 days, during the progression or the plateau of the disease), and...

Sleep Deprivation, Psychosis and Mental Efficiency

... case usually report that Gardner suffered no hallucinations, no paranoia or other negative mood changes, and that his mental, motor and sensory abilities were quite good throughout the entire episode. This conclusion is so widespread that it has...

Notes on Anticholinergic Hallucination

Accounts of experimentation with plant and pharmaceutical anticholinergics taken from subjective reports and a survey of psychedelic literature. ...

Notes on Darkness and Eidetic Hallucination

Accounts of psychedelic eidetic images becoming more intense with eyes closed or in a darkened room taken from subjective reports. ...

Notes on Progressive Hallucination

Accounts of eidetic hallucinations arising progressively and being wiped from visual memory by eye movements taken from subjective reports....

Notes on Content of Eidetic Hallucination

Content of eidetic psychedelic hallucinations taken from subjective reports and a survey of psychedelic literature. ...

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