Psychedelic Information Theory

Shamanism in the Age of Reason

Search Results : imagination

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About Psychedelic Information Theory

... consciousness and the capacity of the human imagination, and will serve psychedelic research and altered-state exploration for many years. I sincerely thank all the people who have sent donations, feedback, and subtle reminders over the years. ...

The Case Against the Spirit Model of Psychedelic Action

... has any deeper meaning beyond your own imagination. It is much easier to prove the case for delusional psychosis than it is to invoke an entire spirit world to explain your personal insights, so why make the spirit leap just because it fel...

Notes on Daydreaming and Visual Imagination

The low rendering capacity of human visual imagination is taken from a survey of subjective reports. The quality of internal visualization can only be enhanced by closing the eyes for a few moments and falling into a state more like meditating or day...

Limits of Human Perception

... described as being beyond the limits of human imagination, a trait which is offered as de-facto evidence of expanded consciousness or supernatural origin. Since the boundaries of the human imagination can be modeled with some close degree of accu...

Why are Psychedelics Spiritual?

... mescaline.12 These texts sparked the spiritual imagination of what would become the hippie generation of the 1960s. According to reports from Maria Sabina, the healer who first shared the sacred mushroom with Wasson, the resulting flood of spiritu...

Psychedelic Drugs Reconsidered

... the air, or change into an animal in their imagination. They also produce toxic organic symptoms like headache, dry throat, loss of motor control, blurred vision, and greatly increased heart rate and and body temperature; death from paralysis ...

Eidetic Hallucination

... formal qualities of dreams, visual memory, and imagination, and may be the most seductive aspect of experimenting with hallucinogens. Eidetic hallucinations rise and fall like dream snippets, rarely holding form for more than a few seconds before ...

An Overview of Physical Shamanism

... generator for archetypal symbols in memory and imagination, the psychedelic session compiles and imprints memory structures that appear to be more transpersonal, holographic, and durable than linear identity constructs imprinted in an average life...

Entoptic Hallucination

... formed images that appear from visual memory or imagination. Psychedelic eidetic hallucinations are generally more explicitly personal than the abstract geometric forms associated with flicker phosphenes. Over the course of a psychedelic session ha...

Modes of Psychedelic Use

... the spark of something fresh within the creative imagination. There is no art form that hasn’t been influenced in some way by the psychedelic aesthetic. Beyond being a drug or a state of mind, psychedelic has now become its own meme. Entire ge...

Psychedelic Information Theory

... for generating information in the human imagination. There are many theories about the origin of this information; the subconscious; repressed emotions; the collective unconscious; genetic memory; spirit entities; alien transmission; junk d...

What is Psychedelic Information Theory?

... of nonlinear information creation in the human imagination, particularly in states of dreaming, psychosis, and hallucination. PIT seeks to model the functional output of human perception in order to extrapolate the limits and complexity of informa...

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