Search Results : synesthesia
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5-HT2A Agonism and Multisensory Binding
... multisensory frame aliasing errors, feedback synesthesia, and eventual perceptual overload. Nonlinear destabilization in thalamocortical feedback loops The most potent psychedelics are 5-HT2A receptor agonists; the highest density of 5-HT2A r...
Group Mind and Fluid Tribal Dynamics
... the crowd becomes synchronized in audio-motor synesthesia with the music, almost like puppets. (Fig. 1) The physical dynamics of a group of people engaged in trance dancing defies formal social descriptions and can best be described as a coheren...
Whale song art: dolphin calls turned into kaleidoscopic patterns using wavelets
The sounds were recorded by American engineer Mark Fischer and transformed into visuals using a mathematical tool called wavelets...
An Overview of Physical Shamanism
... erupting spontaneously through psychomotor synesthesia. When the shaman wants to speak with the spirit voice, that voice comes out more like music or glossolalia than like words and grammar (Fig. 7). When a subject on psychedelics listens to m...
EEG gamma coherence and other correlates of subjective reports during ayahuasca experiences
... seems reasonable given the intense synesthesia during ayahuasca experiences. Other findings include increased modal EEG alpha frequency and global power decreases across the cortex in most frequency bands, which concur with the EEG of ...
The Control Interrupt Model of Psychedelic Action
... feedback. This explains why psychedelics create synesthesia or cross-sensory representations of energetic sensory drivers, and why set and setting have a profound influence on the tone and content of a psychedelic experience. [fig]1;1[/fig]Whe...
Showing 1 to 6 of 6