Mathematical Neuroscience: From Neurons to Circuits to Systems
Gutkin, Pinto, Ermentrout; Journal of Physiology - Paris 97 (2003) 209–219.
Figure 1 : Geometric hallucinations or flicker phosphenes arising from bifurcating patterns in cortical and retinal neural networks.
Applications of mathematics and computational techniques to our understanding of neuronal systems are provided. Reduction of membrane models to simplified canonical models demonstrates how neuronal spike-time statistics follow from simple properties of neurons. Averaging over space allows one to derive a simple model for the whisker barrel circuit and use this to explain and suggest several experiments. Spatio-temporal pattern formation methods are applied to explain the patterns seen in the early stages of drug-induced visual hallucinations.
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Keywords: mathematical models, non-linear dynamics, barrel cortex, spike-time statistics, hallucinations
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