Psychedelic Information Theory

Shamanism in the Age of Reason

Search Results : hallucinations

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Informal Discussion of Topics

... caused each drug to produce unique geometric hallucinations, like Chladi forms taking on different standing wave patterns on steel plates resonating at different frequencies. I then realized that each hallucinogen could be modeled with a unique ...

A Single Dose of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide Influences Gene Expression Patterns within the Mammalian Brain

... (LSD) have profound effects on humans including hallucinations and detachment from reality. These remarkable behavioral effects have many similarities to the debilitating symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. The effects of ...

PIT Summary and Overview

... the dynamics of entoptic, eidetic, and erratic hallucinations experienced under the influence of psychedelics. The fourth component is Physical Shamanism, or Shamanism in the Age of Reason, which describes how techniques of shamanic ritual drive p...

Conclusions and Discussion

... in the form of bifurcating multisensory hallucinations, and the nonlinear amplification of perception is observably tied to dose and the strength of incoming stimulus. A model where strong sensory drivers entrain multi-stable states of nonl...

Geometric visual hallucinations, Euclidean symmetry and the functional architecture of striate cortex

... experience: that of seeing geometric visual hallucinations. Hallucinatory images were classified by Klüver into four groups called form constants comprising (i) gratings, lattices, fretworks, filigrees, honeycombs and chequer-boards, (ii) cobw...

Hallucinations: synchronisation of thalamocortical gamma oscillations underconstrained by sensory input

... may determine the content of perception and hallucinations may arise....

5-HT2A Agonism and Multisensory Binding

... receptor subtype, and all produce similar visual hallucinations that are immediately recognizable as psychedelic.1 Although the 5-HT2A receptor subtype is not the only receptor implicated in hallucinogenesis,2 it is one of the most studied hallucino...

Biophilic fractals and the visual journey of organic screen-savers

Computers have led to the remarkable popularity of mathematically-generated fractal patterns. Fractals have also assumed a rapidly expanding role as an art form. Due to their growing impact on cultures around the world and their prevalence in nature,...

What is Nonlinear Hallucination?

... basic tenet of psychedelic hallucination is that hallucinations move progressively from linear to nonlinear complexity depending on dose range; the higher the dose the more disproportionately nonlinear, unpredictable, and complex perception will bec...

The Case Against the Spirit Model of Psychedelic Action

... make you see things that aren’t real. Some hallucinations, particularly those that are spiritual in nature, feel very real. But the same drug that can make you see spirits can make you see demons, memories, mandalas, mundane scenes from everyd...

Communion with the Infinite: The visual music of the Shipibo people of the Amazon

Singing the patterns of healing The Shipibo believe that our state of health, both physical and psychological, is dependent on the balanced union between mind, spirit and body. If an imbalance in this occurs - such as through emotions of envy, hat...

Notes on Closed Eye Hallucinations

... and violet colors seen in closed-eye tryptamine hallucinations are taken from subjective reports....

Limits of Human Perception

... degradation and enhancement. Psychedelic hallucinations are often described as being beyond the limits of human imagination, a trait which is offered as de-facto evidence of expanded consciousness or supernatural origin. Since the boundaries...

Why are Psychedelics Spiritual?

... external space as ghost-like figures or concrete hallucinations. These spirit visions may be fleeting or they may take on a sweeping narrative quality like a heroic journey or quest for understanding with a cast of many distinct spirits. Are spirit...

Uncoiling the spiral: Maths and hallucinations

Think drug-induced hallucinations, and the whirly, spirally, tunnel-vision-like patterns of psychedelic imagery immediately spring to mind. But it's not just hallucinogenic drugs like LSD, cannabis or mescaline that conjure up these geometric structu...

Vivid dreams, hallucinations, psychosis and REM sleep in Guillain-Barré syndrome

... (30%, including an illusory body tilt), hallucinations (60%, mainly visual) and delusions (70%, mostly paranoid). They appeared a median 9 days after disease onset (range 1-40 days, during the progression or the plateau of the disease), and...

Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium) Poisoning

... tachycardia; hyper or hypotension; delirium with hallucinations; jerky, myoclonic movements; choreoathetosis; hyperthermia; coma; respiratory arrest; rare seizures; and central stimulation followed by depression.(5,7) Hallucinations are reported in ...

Sleep Deprivation, Psychosis and Mental Efficiency

... case usually report that Gardner suffered no hallucinations, no paranoia or other negative mood changes, and that his mental, motor and sensory abilities were quite good throughout the entire episode. This conclusion is so widespread that it has...

Notes on Progressive Hallucination

Accounts of eidetic hallucinations arising progressively and being wiped from visual memory by eye movements taken from subjective reports....

Notes on Content of Eidetic Hallucination

Content of eidetic psychedelic hallucinations taken from subjective reports and a survey of psychedelic literature. ...

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