Search Results : "geometric hallucinations"
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... thing that caused each drug to produce unique geometric hallucinations, like Chladi forms taking on different standing wave patterns on steel plates resonating at different frequencies. I then realized that each hallucinogen could be modeled with...
Biophilic fractals and the visual journey of organic screen-savers
Computers have led to the remarkable popularity of mathematically-generated fractal patterns. Fractals have also assumed a rapidly expanding role as an art form. Due to their growing impact on cultures around the world and their prevalence in nature,...
Communion with the Infinite: The visual music of the Shipibo people of the Amazon
Singing the patterns of healing The Shipibo believe that our state of health, both physical and psychological, is dependent on the balanced union between mind, spirit and body. If an imbalance in this occurs - such as through emotions of envy, hat...
Uncoiling the spiral: Maths and hallucinations
... pressure to the eyeballs. So common are these geometric hallucinations, that in the last century scientists began asking themselves if they couldn't tell us something fundamental about how our brains are wired up. And it seems that they can. G...
Entoptic hallucination, geometric hallucinations, or phosphenes, are one of the most commonly reported visual effects of psychedelics. Phosphenes are a sensation of light caused by excitation of the retina by mechanical or electrical means. Pressure ...
Autohypnotic Induction of Sleep Rhythms Generates Visions of Light with Form-constant Patterns
Autohypnotic Induction of Sleep Rhythms Generates Visions of Light with Form-constant Patterns. [fig]1;0[/fig] [fig]2;0[/fig]...
The perception of patterns not resulting from viewing external objects but stimulated by cranial electrodes with pulse currents within the electroencephalographic frequency range ('phosphenes') has been investigated in earlier work. The experiments d...
The Signs of All Times: Entoptic Phenomena in Upper Palaeolithic Art
J.D. Lewis-Williams and T.A. Dowson (1988) in their article 'The Signs of All Times' propose a neurobridge backwards in time to the Upper Palaeolithic by which we can gain insight into the nature of the origins of art. Our nervous system has not chan...
The Control Interrupt Model of Psychedelic Action
... light intensity, possibly fast enough to produce geometric hallucinations (Fig. 1); in audio networks it may be perceived as tinnitus, ringing, humming, buzzing, or tones that cycle up and down in pitch. These are all descriptions of field-based hal...
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