Search Results : patterns
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... pond are active and take on different coherent patterns; when the pump is turned off the ripples fade and the pond becomes still and quiet. These are metaphors for consciousness moving from waking to sleeping states. Now imagine we add a psychede...
Hallucinogenic drugs such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) have profound effects on humans including hallucinations and detachment from reality. These remarkable behavioral effects have many similarities to the debilitating symptoms of neuropsychi...
Reviews for Psychedelic Information Theory
... to entrain a psychonaut's chaotic interference patterns towards multi-stable strange attractors. His book offers the first steps in developing a more refined and quantifiable theory and terminology of psychedelic action. It suggests many rich oppo...
... is responsible for its unique hallucinogenic patterns and multisensory signatures. The tenets of Shamanism in the Age of Reason, or Physical Shamanism, dictate that a shaman can intuitively sense the interrupt frequency and ADSR envelope of an...
... of their origin based on the assumption that the patterns of connection between retina and striate cortex (henceforth referred to as V1)-the retinocortical map-and of neuronal circuits in V1, both local and lateral, determine their geometry. In the ...
Distant psychophysiological interaction effects between related and unrelated participants
... was stimulated) showed no such effect. Further patterns identified in the results and possible interpretations are discussed....
... drives a neural wiring process which embeds the patterns of each bonding partner into the other’s mind, a process called mutual plasticity. Routine familiarity between subjects drives mutual plasticity. Stress- and Pheromone-Induced Neuroplastic...
Physical Shamanism and Shamanic Therapy
... these signaling pathways will not only produce patterns of spontaneous neural organization, they will also produce patterns of spontaneous metabolic and cellular organization. For instance, 5-HT2A receptors and serotonin release have been shown to...
Biophilic fractals and the visual journey of organic screen-savers
... popularity of mathematically-generated fractal patterns. Fractals have also assumed a rapidly expanding role as an art form. Due to their growing impact on cultures around the world and their prevalence in nature, fractals constitute a central fea...
What is Nonlinear Hallucination?
... beauty, (Fig. 1)1 and the repeating forms and patterns are often considered to be spiritual or mystical because they are isomorphic of nonlinear dynamics in biology and the physical universe. Nonlinear Consciousness [fig]2;1[/fig]The physical ...
Whale song art: dolphin calls turned into kaleidoscopic patterns using wavelets
The sounds were recorded by American engineer Mark Fischer and transformed into visuals using a mathematical tool called wavelets...
The Shipibo Indians: Masters of Ayahuasca
... The sophisticated designs and geometric patterns of the ceramics are passed from one generation of artists to another. The pieces are extremely soft and light weight and their technique is all done manually without the use of pottery wheel...
Communion with the Infinite: The visual music of the Shipibo people of the Amazon
Singing the patterns of healing The Shipibo believe that our state of health, both physical and psychological, is dependent on the balanced union between mind, spirit and body. If an imbalance in this occurs - such as through emotions of envy, hat...
... over and over to form recurring embedded patterns from microscopic to macroscopic scales. Just as an organism is a holographic representation of its DNA, a fractal is a holographic representation of its algorithm recurring through time and s...
A Motion Illusion Reveals Mechanisms of Perceptual Stabilization
... In the peripheral drift illusion special drift patterns appear to move although they are static. During fixation small involuntary eye movements generate retinal image slips which need to be suppressed for stable perception. Here we show that the ...
Uncoiling the spiral: Maths and hallucinations
... and the whirly, spirally, tunnel-vision-like patterns of psychedelic imagery immediately spring to mind. But it's not just hallucinogenic drugs like LSD, cannabis or mescaline that conjure up these geometric structures. People have reported seei...
Anticholinergic drug-induced sleep-like EEG pattern in man
... 0.04–0.30 mg/kg), drowsiness-like EEG patterns with low voltage slow waves and superimposed fast activity. These EEG changes correlated clinically with fluctuations of consciousness and subdelirious behavior. The clinical and EEG characte...
... they begin as non-durable form arising from patterns or noise, and then over a period of seconds drift, smooth, or lock into formal qualities which can be recognized as salient shapes (Fig. 2). The process of smoothing or locking onto an eideti...
... rippling along the skin. These hallucination patterns are distinct in that they arise like a wiggling or fluid ripple in the wake of stimulus, causing a loss of sensory field stability similar to a dripping or melting. Frame Destabilization and...
... repressed salient forms arising within chaotic patterns.8 All of these programmatic metaphors for psychedelics are accurate, and all imply a spontaneous cataloging, compression, or re-organization of existing synaptic memory via nonlinear eidetic ...
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